NYSCF-Robertson Neuroscience Investigator

Good news!  The Gregg Lab is happy to announce that Christopher Gregg has been named a NYSCF-Robertson Neuroscience Investigator by the New York Stem Cell Foundation.  The award brings $1.5 million in research funding over 5 years for high risk, high impact research projects.  The four winners selected this year from the US, UK and Canada, were announced this week at a gala dinner event held at Lincoln Center in New York City.  The event brought together scientific leaders in the stem cell and neuroscience fields with local philanthropists and community leaders.  New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has been a strong supporter of scientific research, spoke at the event.


In addition to Christopher Gregg, the neuroscience winners this year include:


Ed Boyden: A pioneer in the field of optogenetics at MIT.
Takaki Komiyama:  A pioneer in the use of two-photon imaging to study neuronal activity and motor learning in the brain of awake behaving animals at UCSD.
Gaby Maimon:  A leader in the development of approaches to record neuronal activity in awake and behaving fruit flies to uncover neural processes regulating decision making.  He is located at Rockefeller University.


Big thanks to NYSCF and all of the great people who support this powerful initiative!


Learn more here:  New York Stem Cell Foundation

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