Planning and Life Reflections – Are you on track?

It is good to regularly reflect on your life plan, perspectives and progression. A logical time to do it is during the Christmas and New Years break. I like to write and store this in Evernote, so it easy to find. Here are some questions I recommend answering as you prepare for the year. Look back at the answers regularly and make sure you are staying disciplined and on track. As much as possible, practice Essentialism ( – the disciplined pursuit of less.

  1. What am I passionate about in my career?
  2. What am I passionate about in my personal life?
  3. What am I good at?
  4. What am I uniquely positioned to achieve in my career?
  5. What do I want to improve and grow?
  6. What is important in my life?
  7. What do I enjoy/love to do in my life?
  8. What do I want to achieve in life?
  9. What are the three most important things in my life?
  10. What is my best plan for my life based on my current situation?
  11. How do I make that best plan happen? [What are my high priority areas of focus?]
  12. How would I like to start my day?
  13. How would I like to end my day?
  14. What are the top things I want to achieve this year in the lab in order of importance?
  15. What are the top things I want to achieve this year in other aspects of my career (teaching/startups/writing/travel) in order of importance?
  16. What are the top things I want to achieve this year in my personal life in order of importance?
  17. What are the five essential things that I must achieve this year to maintain my career trajectory and personal happiness?
  18. What are the first smallest and simplest steps to take to get started in the New Year on day 1?

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