Training In The Gregg Lab
Imagine! What could you discover?
Core Thesis and Postdoc Projects
What regulatory elements shape anxiety? risk-reward decisions? sociality? How do epigenetic mechanisms shape behavior and disease risks? Your project will develop new technologies to make major discoveries and help solve important health problems.
GroundBreaker Projects
Small side projects that allow trainees to explore any innovative idea that they wish, either in teams or individually. Got an idea? A crazy theory? Just do it!
Innovator Of The Year Award
Given to the person(s) with the most innovative discovery of the year.
Apply To Join The Gregg Labb
Candidates may also apply through the University of Utah Neuroscience Program or University of Utah Molecular Biology Program.
What Can I Learn About?

- Epigenetics, genetics and neuroscience
- Behavior
- Genome Engineering, molecular biology
- Genomics (epigenomics, transcriptomics)
- Big data analysis, programming and data viz
- Personalized medicine
- Biotechnology and commercialization
- Anxiety, developmental brain disorders, neurodegeneration, immune disorders

- Science communication (writing, presentations, video)
- The Gregg Lab maintains a blog (“conflicts in the mind”) that communicates information in the field and for trainees.
- Career planning is a process that begins at the beginning of a trainee’s entry into the lab and continues up until departure. A central objective of the lab is to give rise to an outstanding alumni.

- People wanting to train in the Gregg Lab should be deep thinkers who are highly motivated to make a major impact. A helpful, positive attitude, an eagerness to learn new things and a readiness to overcome major challenges are the attributes for success. The primary goal of the lab is to help talented people be successful and to make lasting and positive impact on the world.
We have it all!
- Life here is awesome and affordable. Check it out (
- Ski, of course! (
- Tech, of course! (
- Leading genomics, of course! (Center for Genetic Discovery) and see the learning center (Utah Genetics Learning Center)
- Leading neuroscience, absolutely! (Neuroscience Initiative)

2017 / Innovator of the Year
Elliott Ferris – Discovery of novel elements in the genome for shaping motivated behaviors and metabolism.
2016 / Innovator of the Year
Elliott Ferris – Discovery of novel elements in the mammalian genome for disease resistance.
2015 / Innovators of the Year
Elliott Ferris and Tina Cheng – Development of a novel technology for disease diagnostics.
2014 / Innovator of the Year
Wei-Chao Huang – Discovery of novel allele-specific epigenetic effects in the brain.
2013 / Innovator of the Year
Coni Horndli – Invention and application of computational developmental ethology methods to study behavioral development.
2012 / Innovator of the Year
Sridhar Vukkadapu – Creation of Parent Seq-R software pipeline and visualization tools.